Making IT work……
               The right way!
Business Process Outsourcing

Outsourcing in the era of continuous cost cutting to improve the bottom line to survive in the market, you should be focusing on what you can do the best. Let us handle your human-intensive processes and services in order to derive a cost advantage without sacrificing quality and efficiency.

We are among the first few who have realized the potential of India in the rapidly changing market in which companies are looking for vendors who can take over their back-office work. A combination of factors such as low staff costs, a large pool of English-speaking and Western-thinking people as well as Indian's unique time zone position ( it is roughly 9 hours ahead of US East Coast ) has made India an increasingly popular choice for outsourcing customer relationship management ( CRM ) and other back-office activities. We are capable of providing you the out sourced services for


Human Resources

Payroll/Benefits processing
Training and development
Employee Benefits Management 401K
Sales,Marketing, and Customer Care ( CRM )

Customer Services
Customer Analysis
Call Centers
Telephone Support

E-mail Support
Chat Support
On-line Technical Support
Consumer information services
Document management

Claims processing
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
General ledger
Accounting services
Why Ripple LLC

Vast and established knowledge base State-of-the-art facilities equipped with infrastructure and communication links suitable to outsourcing operations Competitive pricing Costs.

We offer the following choices:

Per unit time variable ( per seat, per hour ); This is the most common pricing method followed in the sector - CRM software licenses are also passed on - minimum amount of business is guaranteed in these contracts, after which the per unit variable calculation is applied. Gain share: This kind of pricing is based on actual success ( demonstrable through preset parameters ), which could be actual savings by moving the process to the vendor or sales leads generated through a telemarketing campaign ( or actual sales ). Incident or activity based: This is based on certain minimum amount agreed to, and additional payment is made depending on the actual volume of transactions or actual incidents.



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