Making IT work……
               The right way!

Project Management:

Our approach philosophy consists of a series of steps designed to lead a project team from project initiation through transition and continuing maintenance. The project management structures the effort required to complete the project tasks. Our project management process is really a process of leading people within a project.

We maintain four basic objectives in managing every project. Ripple LLC believes that these objectives are the foundation of any sound project management methodology, and must be fully understood before control methods can be defined and implemented. The four objectives are

1. High Quality work : Deliver high quality end products that address business objectives     and meet requirements.

2. On Time Delivery : Complete deliverables on schedule and within budget;

3. Effective Communication : Communicate accurately and timely;

4. Proactive Management : Identify potential problems before they develop and initiate     appropriate corrective action.

Ripple LLC has learned through its project experience that the most important key to successful management of projects is a collaborative approach. It is important to work with the clients and communicate all aspects of a project as thoroughly and as often possible. This keeps people's involvement and excitement about the project high. In addition it allows issues to be communicated and resolved quickly. Our management and project team members bring a "roll-up your sleeves" approach to any project. In other words we understand the importance of being involved. Our company motto "Quality makes the Difference" highly personifies our attitude and commitment to any project we go involved.

An important Key to our project management approach is that it is implementation-oriented.

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